Improve Focus, Reduce Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Sleep Better
The technique of EFT is documented by psychological associations and numerous clinical studies. It's not a pill, a drug, or something you need to invest thousands of dollars in. The science has been around over two and half decades where they take a four thousand year old science of accupressure from Chinese Medicine and combine it with psychology. Follow along with the video below.
Emotional Freedom Technique
Play video for an example of how EFT works. EFT represents one of the six life-changing steps from the book FUTURE VISION and used in TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING.
In this basic video example shown above, I am using common language related to anxiety, stress, fear or worry. Think of your biggest stress and as you tap, repeat what I'm saying out loud. You're invited to replace my words with language that makes sense to you. Repeat until you feel relaxed and focused.
Stress Reduction in Minutes
This is a simplified demonstration of neutralizing the common effects of anxiety or stress. EFT is also useful for neutralizing self-limiting beliefs, mental roadblocks, the achievement of goals, and much more as detailed in the FUTURE VISION book, audio program and with Life and Biz COACHING.
The FUTURE VISION book outlines six [6] distinct steps, the first two steps focus upon goals and identified self-limitations, and are the set up for success with the EFT process.
Check out the short video below from clients using the basic EFT successfully.
Case Studies
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
Organizations, Entrepreneurs, Use EFT to Improve Performance, Relationships, & Well-Being Whether you run the organization or have a team of professionals, EFT is a valuable, and sustainable resource to…
• Improve focus and attention
• Reduce common anxiety and stress
• Boost individual productivity and efficiency
Increases Salary $45,000 More Anually
"After listening to your Future Vision Audible program, the EFT segment allowed me to calm down, form a concise, fact-based open-ended request for more money. And they ended up improving my base salary such that I'm making $45,000 more per year than the s&*tty job I lost in December." —John Susko, SEO Specialist